
Showing posts from December, 2015

Essay Dignity Of Work

Dignity of Work Dignity of Work          Dignity of work is found in the noble example of our beloved Holy Prophet (S.A.W). He never asked anybody to do anything, which he himself would not do. He loved doing work for himself and for others with his own hands. He mended his shoes and washed his clothes and swept his room. He worked as a common man. When the mosque of Madina was being built. He carried mud and building material. During the Battle of Ditch he joined his companions in digging the ditch around Madina. The Holy companion of the Prophet also set good examples in this regard. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) not only did his own work but also fetched water for widows and the weak and old neighbours. Hazrat Umer (R.A) once carried on his shoulders a heavy sack of flour for a needy family. Hazrat Ali (R.A) worked in the garden of a Jew and distributed his wages among the poor as a charity. Syeda Fatima (R.A) fetched water, grounded corn and swept her house. Caliph Omer bin A

King Shah Faisal Short Essay

King Faisal Short Essay Note King Faisal Short Essay Note King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was born is the year 1907. He was the second son of King Abdul Aziz Ibne Sa’ud. After completion of education he served his father’s kingdom in various capacities. He held the post of governor of Hijaz when he was only twenty. He also served as prime minister and commander in chief of Saudi Arabia. As foreign Minister he met many leaders of world and acquired large diplomatic experience. After the death of King Abdul Aziz his eldest son Ibne Sa’ud succeeded him and King Faisal was made the Crown price and prime minister in 1958 and when King Ibne Sa’ud fell seriously ill, Faisal was chosen as King in 1964. King Faisal was devoted to Islam. He was a true Muslim and led a simple life. He ruled over his country wisely and justly and spent a lot of income of oil on establishing educational institutions, hospitals and installing many factories and mills. Vast areas of the desert were brough

Short Essay on a Village Fair

Essay on A Village Fair Essay on A Village Fair During summer vacation Bilal resolved to pay a visit to his cousin Zubair who dwelled in a village. When Bilal reached the village a fair was in full swim in the village. It was decorated with buntings and colourful flags. The streets were thronged with public. The fair was held outside the village. It was also equally crowded with the people. Children were having all kinds of funs, swings, merry go round and drum beating competitions. There was lot of temporary shops having all types of goods from handkerchiefs to farming tools. The girls were busy in buying rings, bangles. Women bought household goods, pottery, milk churners and toys for their little children. Men were buying farm tools and other articles of their choice. The temporary restaurants served delicious dishes and played popular music records. All were very happy then there was a fight between a bear and three fierce dogs, which was a cruel game. There was a popul


             QUALITIES OF A GOOD TEACHER              A good teacher reads the writing of God on the human hearts and conveys it to his student. He delivers his knowledge to his pupils honestly and sincerely. He has great respect for the people with whom he comes across. He is always thirsty for knowledge. He speaks of the wonders of nature with reverence. Before teaching others, he himself reads thoroughly the subject matter. He remains himself a student forever. He is humble enough to learn from anybody even from those who are younger and junior to him. A good teacher always strives to become well acquainted with what is true, good and beautiful and incorporates them in his life. He practices what he preaches after the example of the Holy prophet (S.A.W).

Short Essay Caliph Haroon-UR-Rasheed

CALIPH HAROON-UR-RASHEED                        Caliph Haroon-ur-Rasheed of Baghdad was a wise and  just ruler. He was respected and known for his wisdom and  justice. At night he used to go through the streets of Baghdad  the capital of Islamic Empire of his time (Now capital of Iraq).  He had great love for his people so he wanted to have first  hand information about the problems of his subjects. For that  purpose he used to disguise as an ordinary man and mingle  with the people and discuss different matters with them so as  to  do the needful to settle their grievances.